What We've Been Up To

Fall 2017 Events


8th - Opening up for Program Director Nabil "Seaux Chill" Ince @ The Camp House








24th - Performance at First Presbyterian Church

19th - Opening up for Irene Diaz @ Bessie Smith Cultural center | http://concerts.levittamp.org/irene_diaz

1st - Christmas Celebration Concert


Fall 2016 The Engine was able to perform at Covenant College's talent show, Mountain Affair. Here's memories from the day.


Fall 2016 has provided an opportunity to work with Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church's Youth Choir. Through LMPC's family night, our choirs were able to combine to give a performance


Fall 2016 The Engine was able to work with the First Presbyterian Youth Choir. Here are some memories from our time with them!


Summer 2016 wrapped up with a special final concert. It was a culmination of all the orchestra, bucket band, choir, and creative project work the students had worked on all summer.


Summer 2016 The Engine was able to perform a concert made up of 100% original music (an Expression Engine concert first!) written by our staff and students at The Camp House. 


Spring 2016 Covenant College's vocal ensembles paid a visit to The Engine. 

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